Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Most individuals realize that health care providers utilize questions to better understand medically related issues. However, be aware that asking additional questions that are not related to the medical concern can actually offend an individual who may perceive you as “nosey”. This may be true if you are asking about why a certain tradition is practiced the way it is or what goes on in the kiva, for example. Stay focused on the medical aspects of care, but if you need additional information, creatively unite it with the issue at hand.
In addition, pharmacists usually need to know a complete medication list and will often ask about herbal use. Some individuals might feel uncomfortable sharing that sort of information because it can be related to sacred ceremonies. Instead, one might say, “We try to get a complete medication list to make sure medications are not interacting or harming the body. Would you be comfortable sharing with me the names of any herbal or traditional medicines you might be using?” If the individual says, “no” then don’t pursue it. The person might not know the common name of the plant or may only know the native name in their traditional language. In addition, it may be taboo to discuss certain information or even say the names of the medicines outside of a ceremony or blessing.

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